Educational Ministries

Faith is a journey, not a destination.

This twist on a popular adage underlies the Educational Ministry program at St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church. We recognize that faith itself is a gift from God, but it is a gift that God intends for us to deepen and put into practice in our daily lives in his world. As such, the gift of faith never stops growing; it needs nurturing and encouragement throughout life. It is at this point that the various Christian educational offerings at St. Stephen can help.

Sunday Church School, Bible study, Confirmation class, Vacation Bible School, First Communion, church camping, special programs--all these activities help members of the faith come to a fuller understanding of all that God has done and continues to do for us, essential beings in God's world. Our programs add depth to our personal levels of faith; at the same time they prepare each of us--from the youngest child to the most mature adult--to spread the Word of God's saving grace through his Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ to all we encounter in our daily lives.

 Sunday Church School Classes are offered for all ages at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. 

Serving St. Stephen Christian Education for the 2021-2022 school year are:

Age 3-Grade 2: Ilona Burd - in person in room 203

Grades 3-8: Mike Kulikauskas - virtual

Grades 9-12: Cheryl Neidig - in person in room 200

3 Adult Classes: 
Tom Burson - online and in person in the Parlor
Greg John - virtual
Lloyd Sheaffer - online and in person in the room across from the Pastor's Office
