Donate to Support the Ministries of St. Stephen

You can make a secure donation to support St. Stephen's ministries in several ways:

  • Click on the Donate button below to go to an online donation page at Engage (this provides the most options).
  • Text Β to 717-685-6947. Text "help" for options and fund names. You will be prompted to setup an account the first time. For a donation when texting, enter a dollar amount and a fund name in any order. More than one pair may be entered.
  • Use your smartphone, computer, or tablet and go to the URL or use the QR code below.

For first time users: Engage will try to match you to existing giving records by using your email address. If a match was not found you can still proceed. You will be asked to make up a user name and a password. (If there was no match, you can still create an account and make a donation.) Note that when you login to Engage, you will use the username you created and not your email address. If a match was found, then you will also have access to all previous giving records.Β 

If Engage did not find a match with your email and you believe that it should, please contact the office (, 717-766-2168) to determine the email on file and make a change if necessary so that you have access to all prior donation records.

Adding Engage to a Mobile Device's Home Screen (iOS & Android): You will not find Engage in the apps stores, but it can be added to function as an app. Suran provides instructions on how to do that here. The described procedure may not work for some android phones. If you need help, please contact the office.
